Rising artist in the world of hip hop.

Maheer Babar

• Work • Maheer Babar

Logo Design


Maheer Babar is an up-and-coming musician from Islamabad who’s making a name for himself in hip hop and pop. His music has a unique touch that reminds you of the old days, but it’s got a fresh twist that fits right into today’s Pakistani music scene.

Project Details

Logo Design

OmniWorks designed a logo for Maheer Babar that really stands out to his fans. The logo is a hexagon, which is a six-sided shape. This special design does two cool things: It includes Maheer’s initials in a smart way so you can see them in the design and secondly, the hexagon also looks like a stretched-out diamond, which is a symbol of top quality. It’s a clever design that gives his brand a strong and clear message.

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